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Getting visitors to your website is really important if you want to make sure your work gets some attention. And relying only on organic or redirected traffic isn’t always feasible as most visitors to your website won’t visit your site again. That’s because they forget about your site the minute they close it. So in order to retain your visitors you need to get some contact info of them so that you can tell them when you post a new content. Here comes the role of Email Subscription, which helps you do that job.
I have discussed about email plugions which you can use with wordpress to regain the visitors.
So why should you use email subscription? Here are some of the pointers why you should right now start doing that:
Tell People about your new post
The reason why you get few hits on your new post s that, people doesn’t know about it. Surely if people knew what you posted, some of them might be interested in reading what you gave a thought to. So sending an email to your subscribers lets them know about the new post and some of them will definitely read what you wrote giving you the good feeling that your effort was not wasted.
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People love being fed
In this world everyone loves being fed without fending for themselves. This is also important regarding the content they want to read but didn’t get time to look out for it. Reaching out to them just by email and they are more than happy to read what you said. Having an email base helps you feed your loyal visitors with content easily.
Traffic and traffic
It’s the proven useful feature which must be present in every blog, The Email Subscription. You will get tons of driven traffic to your website at no extra effort. So you can focus on your content writing and also you will get visitors to visit you.
Ease of Use
It’s easy both for the content writer and reader to stay ion touch without the hassle to look out for each other every time. Just check your email and consume the content, and get the energy saved for some other purpose.